Hello Guest
if you are new here, well then you'll probably want to read through some things here

if you're not new, well it's a refresher

when creating a post don't forget to click on the Subject and Icons tab and fill out the subject
you can also change the message icon if you want
clicking on the formatting tab has all of the bbc shortcuts and formatting options
the attachments tab, well is for attachments
after uploading a file you can click on the (Insert Attachment #) and it will post the attachment into the post
other options tab you can select/deselect settings like notify me of replies and other things
then there is all of the smiley tabs

496 smileys
There are currently 4 themes to choose from
The sites default theme THL, custom made by me for the site (yes you can blame me for it

The default theme that comes with the forum
A theme named Dani
which I altered from it's original form and added a red version (it's from another site I own)
A theme named NightBreeze
this is personally one of my favorite themes
I also altered it a bit and added a green version and a purple version (they are from yet another site I own)
please note that other themes, besides THL, may not work correctly...if you notice any issues please feel free to report them stating which theme and color you are using
due to extremely modifying the forum, I can not and will not be adding any more themes....however if you would like a recolor of one of the current themes, feel free to ask and I will do my best.
not that I think anyone will need it, but posts are "limited" to 100,000 characters

however there is a minimum of 15 characters and minimum 3 words (to try and cut down on spam type replies)
signatures have a max 400 characters and 2 lines, 5 smileys are allowed, bbc is allowed, 3 images are allowed max width 200px, max height 100px, max font size allowed is 12px (please note that donors get 3x the amounts)
there is a warning system in place...warnings do not decrease over time unless an admin changes it
only staff and the warned user can see warning levels
after 5 warnings the user is automatically put on a watch list
after 15 warnings the user is automatically put on to moderated posts (staff must approve posts)
after 20 warnings the user is automatically put on mute
depending on the severity a user may be banned without any warnings
as noted above, there are a lot of modifications that have been done to the forum (over 200, pushing 300)
a few of them are
incase of a browser crash, one modification will attempt to restore entered text in the Quick Reply form and Reply form
The text entered in the Quick Reply field is saved when moving between pages of the same topic, which allows you to reply to messages located in a different places of the current topic.
along these same lines is the multi-quote that uses cookies to allow multiply quoting of messages (even from different topics)
as well as there is the Save as Draft button, if you start to create a post but are not ready to actually post it yet.
The extended helper is a good place to learn about how the forum functions
Introduction - SMF User Helpit's not 100% but it's a good start for those new to forums
Member awards, you will see that at the bottom of your posts there might be some awards, you can also find them in your profile...there are awards that are automatically added/removed such as most time online, most posts, years you've been a member, ect....then there are some that can be assigned such as helpful user, knowledgeable, ect
you will also notice at the bottom of posts there is a smiley post rating system
each rating carries a weight to it, in theory I could set it up that if a post reaches a specific negative number that post would automatically be hidden from view, but meh I'm not going to implement that as it could be taken advantage of.
Currently the settings are
now what does all those settings mean....eh nothing really, just a little more fun with the reactions

you will notice that when you post a link (most of the time) it will display the links title instead of the url
bots and topic authors do not increase post view count, so topic authors can't make their posts appear to be more popular than they really are...
in your profile you will find all kinds of settings
custom titles (you can use bbc), member name colors, referrals, buy me a drink (if set and put your paypal, if members wish to they can send you donations for helpful posts and things), and many more things
there's a treasury (if you'd like to donate, also shows where donations are going), a hall of fame page, a team page
the list goes on and on about modifications but