Hello and welcome to The Help Line :: Vaping Info
while the forum is new, the site is not...
slowly getting rid of the old directory script that was in use as it's no long being updated, a lot of posts got lost, and many people didn't realize that they could create accounts and make posts...so the forum is more community friendly and brings everything under one roof instead of multiple sign ins.
THL started back in 2012 on a different domain (shadav.info, my testing site for new projects) bought thehelpline.info domain in 2019 as the site really did need it's own domain

FB page was created in 2014
hehehe and for the handful of folks who might remember CatchiRanters back in 2013, was a forum for a few folks that just wanted a break from the restrictions of other vaping forums. A place to be able to talk about vaping without being harassed and as well as to be able to vent about things without being smacked by an admin. And of course talk about cats and chihuahuas