A repost from 2013

so most links are going to be dead, but the info is still good

(more or less)
Vaping is such a personal experience, so obviously everyone's perfect kit will be different and we will need more info about you and your needs. This post is more aimed to those that are ready to move away from cig-a-likes and into the vaping world.I have gone through the past year of lurking in this forum and what I have learned and tried to piece together to my best a good starter kit for cheap.Are you ready to step away from the cigarette-look-a-likes? If so this opens your choices up a lot...if you aren't then there are still options.Next: if only using cig-a-likes are you only wanting to buy pre-filled or are you willing to refill your cartomizers?
part b: if willing to get away from cig-a-likes same question
part c: if willing to get away from cig-a-likes there are different types of juice delivery systems available

It is all overwhelming at first but it starts getting easier and it starts making more sense.
If you are determined to stick to the it must look like a cigarette...the best cig-a-like battery that I have tried so far would be the greensmoke battery and the good news is

you can get a starter kit for the price of shipping and buy an adapter so you can then use any and all cartomizers with it!
and then the cheapest e9 to 510 adapter I've found (and use)
E9 to 510 adapterSo for like $5 to $10 you can't beat a complete kit

one battery, one usb charger and some cartomizers and then the adapter to be able to use any 510 cartomizers or 510 tanks

The next cig-a-like I've tried and find to be a nice draw and decent battery is the new
MarkTen. However it's not a true 510 connection so no mix and matching but you can refill the cart with your own flavoring

I'm still learning myself but best advice I can give is: keep in mind vaping is all personal preference and there is no bad choices...what you decide is what you will be living with and using 
feel free to ask question, no question is stupid, just mis/under informed.Some things to keep in mind:- Try to stick to pv's (personal vapors) that have both the 510 and ego connections this way you have all kinds of options when it comes to juice delivery systems.
- Variable Voltage (vv) = everyone's taste is different so you can set your voltage up or down to help suit your needs as well as different juices and different juice delivery systems (cartomizers, tanks, ect) taste different at different voltages. (how many times can I say different)
- Variable Wattage (vw) I haven't tried yet but assuming it is the same principle as stated above for vv.
- Pass-through battery to be able to vape while charging.
- the higher the mAh the longer the battery life
- do you prefer a warm vape (top coil) or a cool vape (bottom coil)? top coil vs bottom coil tanks, to each their own...but go with glass or metal so that there's no worries about tank cracking juices.
so that aside my best advice that was given to me and was my only pv for 6 months is to take the flying leap save yourself wasted money from buying the cigarette-look-alikes and go for a better battery...get you a variable voltage spinner.
I got mine from
AltSmoke (if making a purchase please use me as a referral: 2262491) because they have 1300 mAh vv spinners and they have orange my favorite color. Plus just awesome customer service, I can not praise them enough.
you can still use cartomizers (that come with the cig-a-likes) or try other things, myself purchased an evod and a vivi nova to figure out which one I liked best.
The issue with anything other than cartomizers if you use tough juices it will melt the plastic lmfao so be careful or you can get a metal cover for the vivi nova.
typically I suggest one to purchase the battery from else where spending a bit of money to find one that is your personal style because vaping is all about your personal preference...however if you are looking for just something decent priced that works and don't care about color or style so much :
fasttech (if you don't mind buying from china...some are against it...don't mind generics and can wait about 2 weeks, no shipping or handling fees and accepts paypal) a nice silver piece together kit
EGO-VV 1100mAh Rechargeable Variable Voltage E-Cigarette Battery with 0.7" LCD - silverpassthru battery, display shows battery life, puff counts, easily to set or change voltages
KWX10 Protank (2.8mL) - 2.5ohm / removable drip tip / adapter ringglass bottom coil tank like an evod but glass and comes with the beauty ring to make it look like all one piece instead of two pieces...
Vivi Nova 7 (3.5mL) - 1.8ohmmetal top coil tank, comes in other colors too
Splash Anodized Glass Carto Tank Kit (6.0mL) - 1.8ohmso for $45 you now have a nice first and hopefully only kit you will need for a long long time
and if you really wanted to accessorize:E-Cigarette Stand Support for EGO Battery - silver / aluminuma silver stand for your pv
Electronic Cigarette Carrying Zipper Pouch Bag for Ego (Big Size)a silver carrying case
2*AA Battery Powered USB Emergency Charger with Flashlightemergency charger uses AA batteries for charging while on the go (batteries not included)
Now for $54 you have a complete kit, I mean jesh what else could you want?
A better/bigger tank? DBOX PuriTank Bottom Coil Glassomizer (3.5mL) - 2.4a protank clone but then you lose the beauty ring but wait just buy one if you must
EGO Battery Converter Ring for 3.5mL ViVi Novaso still for under $60 one hell of a kit that should hopefully be your one and only for long long time keeping you a happy vapor!
and then of course all the above tanks have removable drip tips (mouthpieces) just type drip tip into the search, fasttech finally is carrying drip tips so grab some you like.
and while there don't forget to grab you some juice for your new PV and you are set and ready to vape on!
Now moving on to the next phase
Mechanical and Regulated Mods Part 2 of the
New Vapor Starter Kits Part 2 (Mechanical and Regulated Mods)